Honey honey, how he thrills me, honey honey, nearly kills me.
I've heard about him before, I wanted to know some more,
and now I know what they mean,
he's a love machine! Oh he makes me dizzy!
Honey honey, let me feel it, honey honey, don't conceal it.
The way that you kiss goodnight, the way that you hold me tight
I feel like I wanna sing, when you do your...THING!!!!
Honey honey, touch me baby. Honey honey, Hold me baby.
You look like a movie star, and I like just who you are.
And honey to say the least, your a doggone... BEAST!
Honey honey, how you thrill me! Honey honey, nearly kills me!
I heard about you before...
I wanted to know some more...
And now I'm about to see, what you mean to me...
